Congregational Life During the Coronavirus

We are still the church and will continue the work of Christ in the midst of a difficult time! During the Coronavirus restrictions, we will be honoring as much as possible the recommendations of the CDC and our civic and church leaders: limiting our physical contact with people to groups of less than 10.

Daily Lenten Prayer will be recorded and posted on a our Facebook page Monday-Saturday at 12:00 pm. To view, go to In The City: Grace Lutheran Church.

Mid-week Lenten Prayer will be live streamed on our Facebook page on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm; it will include, as always, Holden Evening Prayer and conversation on our topic “Sacred Failure.” To view, go to In The City: Grace Lutheran Church on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

Sunday morning worship will be live streamed on our Facebook page on Sundays at 11:00 am; it will be simplified and shortened with the focus being the Word of God preached and the Word of God shared in music. To view, go to In The City: Grace Lutheran Church on Sundays at 11:00 am.

Grace Buddy System: During this time when people with compromised immune systems, people with underlying medical conditions, and people over the age of 60 should, in particular, limit their contact with groups, we would like to buddy up those who are well and able to run errands with those who should stay quarantined. Vicar Beth and Pastor Sarah have begun contacting folks in the Grace community we suspect might want a buddy, but please let us know if you need help with picking up groceries, medications, or other basic needs. Likewise, if you are willing to be a buddy who does simple errands, please let us know. If you are a buddy, we encourage you not to enter the home of another person but to simply drop off the groceries or other necessary items on the front step of the home. Of course, you would let your buddy know to expect you so that they can take in the groceries.

Council and other meetings will happen via Zoom or phone, depending on the technological capacity of the people involved. If you need a Zoom meeting set up for any reason, please let Pastor Sarah know, and she can very easily do that for you.

Activities that are canceled or postponed include the following.

WELCA Capital Conference Spring Gathering

Spring Conference Gathering for Capital Conference with Bishop Hutterer

Joint Easter Vigil



Spiritual Adventurers

The office is still open for phone calls and emails, but physical distance will be maintained.