Baptism is for infants, children, youth and adults. For adult baptism, you must complete the catechism class as directed. Please contact the Church office to schedule baptismal services.
Confirmation is a course of Christian study for young people typically 6th grade through 9th grade—though the start time is flexible; please speak with Pastor David.
Third year students meet with their mentors on a monthly basis.
Topics of Study: Faith in Daily Life, Bible, Ten Commandments, Holy Communion, Holy Baptism, Apostles' Creed
Worship Leadership
All children and youth have opportunities to participate and lead worship during the service. During the Traditional Worship, they can serve as a Scripture Reader, Communion Assistant, Acolyte, Crucifer, and in the Choir.
sunday spirit (formerly Sunday School)
We invite and encourage all children and their parents to Sunday Spirit each Sunday at 9:00 am in the North Room of Hope Hall. This is a time for sharing highs and lows, prayer, Bible stories, service projects, and other experiences that form our faith and build community.
lutheran campformation
Lutheran Campformation is a collaborative ministry among ELCA congregations in the Grand Canyon Synod. Middle school students attend a week of Bible camp as campers while high school youth serve as GAP campers—developing leadership skills—and counselors. Youth directors and pastors guide youth leaders, lead programming aspects, and ensure safety. To learn more about Lutheran Campformation, click on the link below.
First Communion Instruction
The Pastor welcomes any parent whose child appears to be ready to receive Holy Communion to talk with him. Even if a child is not developmentally ready to receive First Communion Instruction, the child may be ready to receive the sacrament.
As Lutherans, we understand Holy Communion to be a sacrament, a means of grace in which God is the active agent. Though education about the sacraments are undoubtedly helpful to us as we grow in faith, we will not ever completely understand the mystery of Christ's body and blood in the bread and wine. Despite the mystery of Holy Communion, this sacrament nonetheless provides "forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation" according to Martin Luther, reformer of the church.
If your child is ready to receive First Communion Instruction, please talk with the Pastor.
Safeguarding God’s Children
Our children and youth are precious gifts of God, and we want to make Grace a safe place for our children and youth to grow in faith. Unfortunately, we live in a time when we must ensure the safety of our children and youth through the use of impersonal and comprehensive procedure—such as outlined in our policy Safeguarding God’s Children. Our goal is to prevent any type of abuse or harassment of minors while participating in Grace programming. Anyone who regularly volunteers with our children and youth is required to either go through a background check or provide results of a background check or fingerprint card completed within the last 5 years.
All volunteers of Grace, whether directly ministering with minors or not, are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct. Possession of weapons, physically or psychologically abusive behavior, consumption of alcohol on church property, visible intoxication, and other types of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.