Spiritual Practice during Coronavirus Restrictions

Please join us for live worship on Wednesdays and Sundays and view the recorded Daily Lenten Prayer Monday-Saturday!

We invite you to set up an altar area in your home on which you might place a candle or two, a cross, your Bible and devotional materials, and any other supplies related to your spiritual life, like prayer beads. During the live Sunday morning worship, we will invite you to take a rock from your space and place it on the altar as we would have if we had been in church. Likewise, we will invite you to light your candle.

For online devotions, we invite you to subscribe to Luther Seminary’s daily devotional called God Pause. Go to the link here: www.luthersem.edu/godpause.

During times of anxiety, we invite you to practice centering prayer. Centering prayer is very simple. Sit down in a chair, choose a word or phrase for centering yourself, close your eyes if you would like, and repeat the word or phrase aloud or silently to yourself throughout your designated centering prayer time. Words or phrases that might be helpful include “Be still and know that I am God,” “You are my light and my salvation,” “or Surely, God is with us.”

If you would like to explore meditation or centering prayer through an app, we commend to you the apps called “Insight Timer” and “Centering Prayer.” Both of these apps have lots of options for prayer and meditation.