
7:30 am Pancake Breakfast / Hope Hall

10:00 am Traditional (Sanctuary, Facebook Live, and YouTube)

Facebook Live Stream Worship: While all are welcome to attend worship in the sanctuary at 10:00 am, we live stream worship every Sunday at 10:00 am from our Facebook page (Grace In The City: Grace Lutheran Church).

Revised Common Lectionary Bible Readings: Along with many Christians throughout the world, we follow the Revised Common Lectionary which is a 3-year cycle of Bible readings.

First time visitor? Please read our welcome letter from the Pastor.

We also offer additional services during the church year for special events and festivalsView our calendar's worship category to see all upcoming worship opportunities.

Accessibility: Both the Sanctuary and Hope Hall are accessible to those who use wheelchairs and walkers. Fully-accessible restrooms are available in Hope Hall before and after service.

Becoming a Member of Grace Lutheran Church

We welcome new members of Grace with open arms and are grateful for your partnership in ministry! Here at Grace, ALL are welcome. If you would like to make Grace your church home, please contact the Pastor at or 602-258-3787. We periodically offer new member classes. Membership is not a requirement for participation in any aspect of Grace’s ministry with the exception of serving on the congregational council.

Connections: An evening of music, message, & munchies is a lay-lead program intended to serve those seeking a spiritual connectedness and/or a faith community in the Phoenix downtown area. The evening is focused on those looking for spiritual connectedness through an alternative to traditional worship for those uncomfortable or not interested  in, conventional Lutheran worship services.

Connections welcomes and encourages all to worship and connect including: 

●  Young professionals and young families living in the downtown area.

● ASU Downtown campus undergraduate and graduate students living on-campus, ASU staff, and associate facility members working on the Downtown campus.

● Anyone looking for a place to belong.

Special Worship Services

Throughout the year, notably Christmas, Lent, and Holy Week, we observe special worship services.  

Preparing for your Funeral or Memorial Worship

We are honored when members and friends of Grace decide to hold funeral or memorial worship services at Grace. This is one way we can be community for each other—at a very difficult time. Preparing for your funeral or memorial worship ahead of time can be helpful for your family and church family so that we can honor your wishes. If you would like to indicate your preferences for your funeral or memorial worship, you may download the form here or request a copy from the church office (