Cancelled: Walking Palm Sunday Worship

Due to the Coronavirus, Walking Palm Sunday Worship is cancelled.

Unfortunately, the Walking Palm Sunday Worship event planned for Sunday, April 5 has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus.

However, we are going to do Holy Week @ Home to celebrate the three days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil. Three versions of Holy Week @ Home will be made available for the people of Grace to participate in the experience of Holy Week.

1) Zoom Holy Week @ Home

This version entails one person hosting the Holy Week @ Home through Zoom, an online platform from the comfort of their own home for a group of 8-10 people. This Zoom version of Holy Week @ Home requires an email address or phone number. Vicar Beth will set up the Zoom sessions for all hosts, and if you need help navigating Zoom, Vicar Beth and Pastor Sarah are happy to assist.

2) Household Holy Week @ Home

This version is designed for household sizes of more than two people who prefer to gather with those living in their same home rather than join a Zoom session. With the growing number of COVID-19 cases in Arizona, we are discouraging members of Grace from gathering together in their homes for Holy Week @ Home.

3) Cloistered Holy Week @ Home

This version is designed for one person to journey through the three days on their own.

More details and information will be provided in the coming days. If you would like to host a Zoom or in person Holy Week @ Home experience for the Grace community, please contact Vicar Beth as soon as possible at (623) 340-9956 or