There are many opportunities at Grace Lutheran Church to get involved. From programs helping and building community among our homeless neighbors to educational programs for all ages to community service projects and events, there are many ways to connect with and contribute to the Grace community. Please join us for worship on Sundays. All are welcome to attend and find out what is going on in each ministry from Outreach to Hospitality to Worship & Music.
We welcome people of all ages to fully participate in the mission and ministry of Grace! Children and youth are welcome at the table of Holy Communion, to serve in worship as ushers, greeters, readers, communion assistants, acolytes, and crucifers, to engage the Word through Faith in Motion at both worship services, to attend Sunday school and to serve God's people through the pancake breakfast. Children, youth, and adults engage across the generations to serve and grow in faith.
We welcome people of all backgrounds to be part of the Grace community. Instead of seeking uniformity, we learn and grow from listening to one another and building relationships.
grace ministries
To learn more about any of our Grace ministries, click on the link below.
Children, Family & Youth / Ministries that nurture faith among our children, youth, and families all fall under our Faith Formation ministry team, but the page to which this link connects you shows information specific to children, youth, and families with children.