Feedback Request: Holy Week @ Home

People of Grace,

Thank you to all who participated in Holy Week @ Home.

Whether you participated in shaping the creative process with me or participated in the “Bible’s Greatest Hits” video or led a group or yourself through the experience. Thank you for being a part of my internship project. Even though we could not physically worship together during Holy Week, we were connected to one another through the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God!

If you participated in any of the Holy Week @ Home experiences, please consider responding to the questions below and email your feedback to Your feedback will help me to fill out my internship project evaluation form required by Luther Seminary.

Feedback Questions

1) Was this your first experience of Holy Week or have you participated in Holy Week worship in the past? What do you look forward to the most during Holy Week?

2) What part(s) of Holy Week @ Home was most meaningful for you? Please make it clear why it was meaningful.

3) What part(s) of Holy Week @ Home did not work well? Please be specific about hindrances and provide suggestions of how the experience could be improved.

4) What, generally, would you tell others about Holy Week @ Home  if they had questions?

5) What, generally, would you like to share with me regarding Holy Week @ Home?

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

In Faith,

Vicar Beth Gallen