Gospel Study for Sunday, April 19

John 20:19-31

Thomas Questions and then Confesses the Risen Christ

This form of Bible study is called the Skeptic’s Bible Study.  All questions and opinions are valid!

Read John 20:19-31.   

With a friend or family member, in person or over the phone, discuss: What do I like about the reading? 

Discuss: What do I dislike about the reading?

Read John 20:19-31. 

Discuss: Is there anything I don’t understand or would like more information on?

Discuss: What is this passage trying to tell us about what God is like?

Read John 20:19-31.

Discuss: What is the passage calling us to do?

Discuss: Is there a word, phrase, or image from the passage that you would like to stay with you throughout the next week?

Discuss your and your friend’s or family member’s prayer concerns, and pray for each other.