Gospel Study for Sunday, April 12

Matthew 28:1-10

Jesus’ Resurrection

Lectio Divina is an ancient spiritual discipline consisting of 4 parts: lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio.  This can be done in a small group as described below or alone by journaling for step #2 and praying for all those in need for step #3.

Lectio – Read or listen to the text: Matthew 28:1-10.

Meditatio – After a bit of silence, each person can share how a word or phrase touched her or his heart.

What does this passage say to our world, our nation, our community, our church, to me?

            What images come to mind?

            What feelings did I have?

            What challenges me in this text?

            What delights me in this text?

            What is God up to in this text?

            What new possibility is God offering me?

Oratio – Make sure you know the name of the person sitting to your right.  Going around the room, we will pray forone another by name.

Contemplatio – Contemplate and sit quietly in the presence of God for a bit.