Ministry Partner Spotlight: Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) is part of a larger network of Lutheran Social Services throughout the United States.  Here in Arizona, LSS-SW is celebrating 50 years of loving the neighbor in tangible ways.  Through its programs, LSS-SW tends the work of justice to which we are all called as people of God, including caring for children and our elders, resettling refugees and providing temporary refuge for those who seek asylum, and sheltering and empowering those without homes to seek a more stable future.  Though the programs of LSS-SW are staffed by professionals, many volunteers and donations from congregations and the community at large make this ministry possible.  Here at Grace, we have partnered with LSS-SW to provide diaper bags and toddler bags for foster parents.  For a time, we provided child care for foster parents, and we occasionally respond to emergent needs as identified by LSS-SW.  

If you are interested in going on a one-hour tour of LSS-SW to learn more about their ministry, Pastor Sarah and/or another Grace member who already supports the mission of LSS-SW would be delighted to set that up!  Please let us know.

We give thanks to God for the partnership and the ministry of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest!