Capital Conference Collaboration

The Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA, of which Grace is a part, is broken into smaller “conferences” comprised of 8-12 congregations per conference.  Grace is part of the Capital Conference, and conference designations are intended to help people of faith and goodwill work together in ministry.  Here in the Capital Conference, we work together already through our shared confirmation program (CALL), our shared high school youth program (PhLY), our shared newsletter (All CAPS), our conference gatherings (next one: March 21 @ 9:00 am), and occasional events such as the conference-wide pulpit exchange and service project last September. 

Now, during February 2020, the synod is convening pastors and a few elected leaders from each congregation for intentional conversation about deeper collaboration.  Those who will be part of the process from Grace include Tim Gallen, Renee Waterstradt, Brian Flatgard, Vicar Beth, and Pastor Sarah.  We do not know what the Spirit will do in these conversations, but it is not a secret that many mainline denominations have too many buildings and too few people to pay for the upkeep.  And perhaps even more importantly, we know that we are church together for the sake of the world God loves, not isolated communities.  As this process unfolds, we will share the possibilities for deeper collaboration with the larger congregation.