A Call for Musicians

Singers and instrumentalists are encouraged to share their musical gifts in worship.  We are able to have 1-2 people sharing at the same time. If you play an instrument or sing and are interested in sharing your gifts, we can discuss ways to safely do this. For all musicians, please contact Brandon Burns, our organist and choir director (blburns3@asu.edu), to choose music selections and worship dates.

Advocacy 101

Through Phoenix Fusion, Pastor Sarah is offering a class entitled Advocacy 101 on Thursdays, August 6, 13, 20, & 27 at 6:30-7:30 pm. 

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85034006732?pwd=SVBqVGRCUHVaMGxkaWxjdlpOR2gyUT09

What is advocacy, and how might we advocate for just systems that incarnate God’s love for the whole world?  While the first session will introduce the theological reasons for engaging in advocacy, the remaining three sessions will be practical in nature so that participants can apply what they learn to actions they can take the very next day, if desired.

Session 1: What is “advocacy,” and how does scripture and our tradition call us to advocate on behalf of our neighbor?

Session 2: How do bills become laws, and how can we participate in the process?

Session 3: What are best practices for communicating with lawmakers?

Session 4: What is LAMA (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Arizona), and how can we participate in it?

Free Medical Televisit

In an effort to lessen the strain on hospital emergency departments, especially for non-emergency needs, and connect members of our community with quality healthcare, free medical televisits are available each week, Tuesday-Thursday at 4:30 and 4:45 pm.  If you have a healthcare need but limited access to it, please contact Adrienne in the church office or Pastor Sarah to schedule an appointment.  A sanitized space for the appointment—with a computer—is available at Grace.


Safe Volunteer Opportunities

Organizations around the valley are offering socially distanced and even home-based volunteer opportunities.  Click on the links below to find ways you can contribute meaningfully to the larger community right now!

HandsOn: https://www.handsonphoenix.org/calendar

United Way (VSUW): https://vsuw.org/get-involved/volunteer

Grace Church Office: We are looking for someone to help with a very detailed data entry project that can be completed in the church office alone once instruction is received.  To learn more, talk with Adrienne by emailing or calling (602-258-3787, officemanager@graceinthecity.com). 

Grace Food Angel Ministry: Each Saturday, we deliver boxes of groceries to Grace members, friends, and neighbors, including refugee families resettled by Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest.  If you are interested in helping deliver 2-3 boxes on Saturday afternoons, please let Pastor Sarah know (pastorsarah@graceinthecity.com).  You can volunteer once, once in a while, or every week—whatever works for your schedule.

Drive-Through & Walk-Up Holy Communion

On Sundays, 9:00 am – 10:00 am, beginning August 9, Pastor Sarah will be administering Holy Communion in the west parking lot.  This will be a trial to see how it works and to make adjustments as necessary.

Here’s how the drive-through/walk-up communion will work:

1) Pastor Sarah will be standing under a canopy next to a movable altar in the handicap spaces near the church office gate.

2) Driving your vehicle, please enter the west parking lot from the Moreland entrance and park in the parking spaces designated with bright orange cones and numbered. Park in the lowest numbered spot.  They will be appropriately distanced. 

3) If there is no one else in the parking lot waiting for Holy Communion, get out of your car and meet Pastor Sarah at the other side of the altar.  If there is someone already receiving communion, please wait to approach the altar space until you are invited.  We see you! 

4) If walking is difficult, please park in the adjacent handicap spaces, and Pastor Sarah will come to you.

5) Those walking up to the altar space without a car, please wait on the sidewalk until you are invited to forward to the altar space. 

Suggested Bible Readings for August

August 2 (Pentecost 9)

First Reading: Romans 8:12-25

Psalm: Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21

Gospel: Matthew 14:13-21

August 9 (Pentecost 10)

First Reading: Romans 10:5-15

Psalm: Psalm 85:8-13

Gospel: Matthew 14:22-33


August 16 (Pentecost 11)

First Reading: Romans 8:12-25

Psalm: Psalm 67

Gospel: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

August 23 (Pentecost 12)

First Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6

Psalm: Psalm 138

Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20

August 30 (Pentecost 13)

First Reading: Jeremiah 15:15-21

Psalm: Psalm 26:1-8

Gospel: Matthew 16:21-28

Sermon for July 26

Scripture Passage: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Today, Jesus teaches the disciples about the kingdom of heaven in parable.  And perhaps our first question is: Where is the kingdom in this mess? 

What a good question.  Supposedly, in this kingdom, God reigns.  Jesus is Lord.  The church is not a democracy but a monarchy, the kingdom, where the one ruler is Christ.  While I personally struggle with the language of kingdom and Lord to describe God’s realm and Christ’s sovereignty, because of the patriarchal world from which scripture comes, describing power and authority in masculine terms is not surprising.  If I can set that aside, I begin to see the good news of God’s realm and Christ’s sovereignty.  A realm where the grace of God pervades all creation, a sovereignty where power looks like love.  But, here and now, in a time and place where and when I need not describe the chaos and division and suffering of our world, where is that grace and love?  Where is God’s realm evident, and how is Christ sovereign? 

Jesus’ parables make clear that the realm of God and the power of Christ do not look anything like US democracy—or any other temporal form of government.  The realm of God and the power of Christ do not include military prowess or violence of any kind.  The realm of God and the power of Christ do not even include middle managers, those who might distribute God’s grace and Christ’s love to others as if God needed to appoint gatekeepers for the kingdom.  God’s realm and Christ’s sovereignty challenge our notions of authority and power for Jesus’ parables today teach us:

God plants the kingdom in the smallest of seeds that the kingdom might nurture the life of the world.  For Jesus says: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed.”

God kneads the kingdom into the world as if bread dough that the kingdom might feed the world.  For Jesus says: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened.”

God hides the kingdom in a field to be discovered by a stranger.  For Jesus says: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field.”

God’s kingdom is worth more than any pearl.  For Jesus says: “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls.”

God indiscriminately throws the kingdom into the sea of humanity.  For Jesus says: “The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and caught fish of every kind.”

God’s realm and Christ’s power do not live in palaces, courts, and capitols but in kitchens and fields, gardens and fishing boats.  God is sneaky in the very best way, entering the small and the daily and the mundane. 

Yes, we are called to do big things as people of God, to exercise wisdom with the social power we possess, to vote, to voice our opinions in the public square for the sake of the world God loves.  Yes, we are called to the vocations of citizen, advocate, and some of us even: leader.  But the realm of God neither starts nor ends in these places. 

We see the kingdom most vividly in the life of Jesus who did not take the world by storm.  The very opposite, rather.  He didn’t hang out with King Herod or the emperor.  He didn’t ingratiate himself with the Jewish leaders of the synagogue so that he could lead them out of corruption from the inside.  He took up with fishermen, tax collectors, women of questionable reputation.  He sat at their tables and touched their wounds and fed them in the wilderness. 

The first sermon Jesus preaches in the gospel of Matthew is: The kingdom of heaven has come near!  And he preaches it in the backwaters of Galilee.

We may think that Christianity needs to take the world by storm, that churches should be the center of our public life, that our shared social norms and practices should be Christian in nature.  I agree that putting love and justice—as I believe Jesus, the prophets, and the law do—at the center of our public life could only be a good thing.  But God’s realm shows up in the small, the daily, and the mundane, in kitchens and fields, gardens and fishing boats. 

Where is the kingdom of heaven in this mess?  In this mess of pandemic, violence, racism, and division?  In kitchens and fields, in gardens and fishing boats.  In hospitals where exhausted nurses and doctors give of themselves for the sake of others.  In labs where frantic scientists put in overtime developing a vaccine and treatments for Covid-19.  In zoom meetings where people discuss white privilege and in living rooms where they read books to educate themselves about racism.  In the back alley of Grace Lutheran Church where people drive up to receive boxes of food to deliver and at the back door where ministry partners drop off water and sack lunches.  In conversations where people listen to those with whom they disagree, in families where forgiveness is practiced, when people in power apologize for their mistakes and seek solutions.  In God’s realm, the kingdom takes root in the small and the daily and the mundane, and Christ’s sovereign power looks like love.  Lest we think these small, daily, mundane manifestations of the kingdom make no difference, consider that you sit listening to these words and fashion your whole life around following Jesus because 2000 years ago an illiterate Galilean peasant preached and healed, fed and befriended, loved and died and was raised.  

Right now, the world feels like a mess, and heaven help us, it’s always been that way.  But no suffering, no violence, no division, no illness will root out the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus is Lord, and the kingdom comes, not with might but with love.  Look and see.  The kingdom of heaven has come near!  Thanks be to God.  Amen.

The GLOWSHOW: Episode Fifteen

Thank you for listening to the GLOWSHOW. We are in the midst of a series titled “Generosity Stories”. We hope that through these stories you will feel encouraged and inspired to look for the ways God is generous in our world, and practice generosity in your own life. In this particular episode, Pastor Sarah and Vicar Beth compare the culture of scarcity with the culture of generosity and explore the freedom experienced when generosity is practiced. We also hear from two of Grace’s members, Frankie and Marjie who shares their stories of generosity. Thank you Frankie and Marjie for sharing your time and stories with the Grace community.

Click the play button below, and leave us your comments and questions right here on the blog. We’d love to hear from you.


Sermon for Sunday, July 12th

Matthew 13: 1-9; 18-23

My first job out of college was serving as a Youth and Family Ministry Leader at a Lutheran church in Southern California. For a period of nearly four years, I came to know the stories of the community and grew to appreciate and love the people God had gathered in that place.

But it wasn’t always easy. At times, I struggled. Not just with learning how to be a young professional working her first job, but mostly I struggled with learning hard truths. Namely, the hard truth that I don’t get to decide what is best for another person.

It wasn’t long into my position as youth director that I began to notice how many of the families who worshipped at this church, lived a fast paced lifestyle. Children and youth were involved in multiple extracurricular activities and social events. Then, after a fully scheduled week, families tried to make it to worship on Sunday mornings.

I remember reflecting upon my own experience of growing up. From my memory it was considerably less busy. I played softball and auditioned for school plays, sung in school choir, but most of my weekends were spent in the church, among church people, doing churchy things like attending worship, Sunday school and youth group, participating in confirmation and summer camp, and traveling to Mexico during the summer on mission trips.  This is what following Jesus looked like for me. It looked like choosing church activities over other types of activities.

It appeared, to me, as if the families and kids I served did not follow Jesus in the same way I had learned to follow Jesus and I was confused. Actually, I began to feel frustrated. I struggled with understanding the allure of being busy.  In my judgement, I thought parents and families were choosing the ways of the world over faithful living before God and neighbor. In my judgement, I thought parents needed to make better choices for the sake of their children knowing and experiencing Jesus.

So one day, driven by confusion and frustration, I sat down in the office of my supervising pastor and said to him, “I just don’t understand the choices parents are making for their children. What is happening in Christian community for these kids is far more important than any soccer practice or piano recital. Why aren’t they choosing faith? Why aren’t they choosing God?”

We sat quietly for a minute with my questions and frustration hanging in the air, and my pastor said: “Beth, we’re not called to make people choose anything. Faith is God’s business. Like the disciples, we’re only called to cast nets—to be in relationship with the world. We can’t determine how the Spirit will work in the lives of others, and often we don’t get to see the fruit of God’s work in someone’s life.”

I had put myself in the middle of God’s business. Making God’s business of sowing and nurturing faith about me. I thought I knew what was best for the families. When I came to recognize my hubris, I realized I had judged the people and especially the parents for making choices that, at that time in my life, I myself never had to make. I wasn’t a parent yet living in that area contending with the pressures of parenting and raising decent human beings. I began to see that in the years since I was a youth, the expectations placed upon parents, children and youth in society had changed, and I judged before I recognized these changes in familial pressures and expectations. 

Pride got in my way and I unjustly passed judgement when instead I was meant to love and serve the families. I was so concerned with controlling God’s harvest that I forgot I was first called to be in relationship, and that the business of scattering and nurturing the seeds of faith belongs to God.   

I know today’s Jesus story has all of us thinking about soil and probably asking the question: what kind of soil am I? For just a moment, I want to abandon talking about soil and the fears around evaluating ourselves to instead consider the Sower. The sower in this parable goes out to sow seed and does so with wild abandon and unfocused aim. Seeds indiscriminately fall here and there: some upon the path to be carried away by birds, some on rocky soil, some on thorny ground and some in fertile dirt. What is striking to me is that the sower, at least in this parable, does not seem particularly concerned that some of the seed is destined to die rather than thrive and yield fruit.

Now, I am not a farmer. At best, you could call me an amateur gardener. I don’t know a lot about the planting and tending fields or gardens, but I do know that if you desire plants to grow and yield produce, planting seeds with care and precision is an important step in the process. If the desire is to grow successful fruit-bearing plants, would a farmer really scatter seeds in this way?  My thinking is probably not. So what’s going on with the sower? Who is the sower who sows seed so wildly and aimlessly?

In my view, the Sower, is God. God is the one who sows the seed into the world. The seed being God’s good news of grace for the whole world.  

I was once told it is unhelpful to ask “why” questions of the Bible. But in this story, I just can’t help but ask why God would scatter the seeds of grace in this wild, aimless manner? Of course, determining God’s motives is far above my pay grade. However, what I know to be true is that God desires relationship with all people, with the whole of creation. God desires for us to know how deeply we are loved and cared for by the creator. So God sows the seeds of grace with wild abandon as a demonstration of God’s great, unending love.

Who is to say that no one benefits when the birds eat the seed? That the quickly springing shoots did not delight the sower? That a warning to remove thorns is not an important implication of this parable? 

God sows seeds of grace without fear of rejection or failure. God sows so that the world may come to know God’s deep, unending love in the person of Jesus. God is generous with this grace, this undeserved favor. The challenge of this parable is that the word of God doesn’t always take root in the ways we can immediately recognize. When I sat across from my former pastor, and heard his words I was challenged in my thinking about where God is present. After that moment, I started to wonder if God might actually be present on the soccer fields and in traffic jams on the 405. Of course, God was present for the families in ways that I couldn’t see, and I was reminded that while judging is a normal part of the human experience becoming judgmental of others and their apparent choices is a barrier to recognizing the Spirit at work. 

We are not the experts of someone else’s soil. We don’t get to determine if someone’s soil is rocky or thorny or fertile. Our gaze gets to fall upon the work of God who’s desire is to love the world. Even the world that sent Jesus to be crucified upon a cross. Perhaps our task is to trust in the work of the Sower, because the work of the Sower is new life, resurrected life.  Even when we can’t make immediate sense of how someone may or may not be following Jesus, perhaps this parable challenges us to check our judgements lest they become value statements and we start to think we know what’s best for another person. 

Siblings in Christ, we’re not called to make people choose anything. Faith is God’s business. Like the disciples, we are simply called to join with God in wildly scattering the seeds of grace, trusting the Spirit to do its work and examining our judgements. We don’t get to determine how the Spirit will work in the lives of others, and we might never get to see fruits of God’s work in someone else’s life. Even now, God, the sower is at work sowing the seeds of grace with wild abandon.

Thanks be to God.

The GLOW SHOW: Episode Fourteen

Thank you for listening to the GLOWSHOW. We are in the midst of a series titled “Generosity Stories”. We hope that through these stories you will feel encouraged and inspired to look for the ways God is generous in our world, and practice generosity in your own life. In this particular episode, Pastor Sarah and Vicar Beth explore generosity from the perspective of the recipient sharing how Grace’s ministry partners have blessed this community with their time, talents and treasures. We also hear from one of Grace’s members, Dorothy who shares her story of generosity. Thank you Dorothy for sharing your time and story with the Grace community.

Click the play button below, and leave us your comments and questions right here on the blog. We’d love to hear from you.


Sermon for Sunday, July 5

Scripture: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

I’m not keen on surrender.  This past Wednesday afternoon, I felt dizzy.  I continued to work as always, pressing on to complete all my tasks and calls.  I didn’t quite finish, but I finally decided to leave after 10 hours of work.  I did an errand on the way home because I like to be efficient and finally arrived at my house.  By then, I was markedly dizzy.  I began to drink bottle after bottle of water, assuming my dizziness came from dehydration.  It didn’t help.  In fact, my dizziness got more pronounced, and my whole body began to shake.  A headache pinched my head.  Quite terrified and of course reading everything I could find about dehydration on the internet, I waited until 2:30 in the morning before I called my sister.  When her husband, a doctor, picked up, I was so grateful.  He suggested my electrolytes were not in balance.  I searched my kitchen for salty foods, landing on a jar of pickles.  45 minutes later, still terrified, the shaking stopped.  My dizziness largely gone but in no shape to drive to the store myself, I texted a neighbor asking that she drop by with Gatorade.  She very kindly did, and I spent Friday sleeping and drinking large quantities of water, Gatorade, Pedialyte, and powerade.  In the back of my mind laid a question about my productivity or lack of it.  Likewise on Friday, though I felt comparitively better, I was still weak, exhausted, and slightly dizzy.  As I wrote this sermon Friday afternoon laying on the couch because of my exhaustion, a sermon about setting down heavy burdens and discovering rest in Jesus’ light and easy yoke, I suddenly realized that I’m not keen on surrender. 

Work, efficiency, self-sufficiency, and more work, this is my yoke.  This is what guides me or at least guided in this situation.  In the moments when I called my sister and texted my neighbor, moments when I asked for help, I surrendered this yoke.  And the response?  Almost immediate action and wise medical advice, a text message from my neighbor that thanked me for letting her help.  Why didn’t I surrender, why didn’t I stop working, ask for help, and call my doctor earlier? 

Jesus’ words this morning from the gospel of Matthew comfortingly invite us who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens to find rest in Jesus.  “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,” Jesus says, “for I am gentle and humble in heart...For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  The crowds who hear Jesus’ words understand the metaphor of yoke, the wooden beam fitted across the shoulders of oxen, a piece that guides them, helps them walk together.  By telling the crowds to put on his yoke, Jesus commands his listeners to be guided by him, to listen to his wisdom, not to be guided by their own burdensome way of living.  And because no one can take on more than one yoke at a time, they first surrender whatever yoke they have chosen before taking on Jesus’.  As comforting as they are, Jesus’ words about rest and lightness challenge us—for I suspect others are not keen on surrender, either.

It’s curious to me that this is such a hard command.  Why would we be reticent to surrender our heavy, burdensome yokes?  Why would we push back on Jesus’ guidance and wisdom when he offers us rest?  Especially at a time when we are so burdened.  Pandemic, unemployment, growing awareness among white folks of racism and racially-motivated violence, rising political polarization, along with all of our personal troubles, some related to the pandemic and others just our continuing struggles related to relationships, mental health, or worries.  Why do we hesitate to surrender our yokes at this difficult time and receive Jesus’ yoke instead?

At least some of the answers to these questions are revealed in my own struggle: the primacy of work, efficiency, and self-sufficiency in our culture.  But there are other answers too: pride or stubbornness, arrogance or even shame. 

I’ve had other hard lessons related to this yoke I hate to surrender.  For instance, updating my beliefs when I acquire a new piece of information.  Meaning, fairly regularly, I learn that I’ve been wrong, maybe about something small like a comment that seemed funny to me but was actually hurtful to a friend or colleague.  Or, after receiving new information, I realize a long-held social or political view no longer jives with my values.  Ooh, that is hard yoke to surrender.  But once I surrender that yoke and receive Jesus’ humble, gentle yoke, I am always grateful I did.  To say, I didn’t know everything then, and I don’t know everything now.  To say, I made a mistake, or just: I have a different opinion now.  

Sometimes the yoke I hang onto is anger or resentment towards a person after having been wronged by them.  After hours of tearful conversations with my friends about how this person did me wrong, after countless journal pages describing their bad behavior and my victim-hood, after denying that I am even
angry, I surrender my yoke of anger and being a victim.  I receive Jesus’ yoke of humility and gentleness and practice forgiveness.  And doing so is really the best thing for me, a yoke of ease and lightness. 

So, I’ve been consciously practicing surrender to Jesus’ yoke the last couple days, and I gotta tell ya, it’s been pretty great once I have been able to get out of my own way.  For Jesus’ yoke is easy and light.  What it has looked like for me is, fundamentally, connection with God and others.  Reaching out for help.  Being vulnerable enough to say what is honestly hard.  Practicing gratitude and other spiritual practices.  Even text messaging and calling people, just to connect. 

I’ve been thinking about how deeply ironic it is that we gather here in this virtual space week after week, that many of us have gathered in churches every Sunday for decades, that we have reached out for a savior, that we have discovered our need—and then rejected the yoke our savior offers.  Those of us who have surrendered to Jesus’ yoke, a practice usually born of deep struggle and many years, I am in awe of your humility and gentleness, in awe of your loving posture towards yourself and the world.  While you are not perfect and surely struggle in other ways, you help us understand what it is to take on Jesus’ yoke, to surrender to Jesus’ guidance and authority, to seek Jesus’ gentle and humble wisdom. 

Jesus says: Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart.  And you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  Thanks be to God!  Amen.

The GLOW SHOW: Episode Thirteen

Thank you for listening to the GLOWSHOW. We are now in the midst of a series titled “Generosity Stories”. We hope that through these stories you will feel encouraged and inspired to look for the ways God is generous in our world, and practice generosity in your own life. In this particular episode, Pastor Sarah and Vicar Beth explore what a “posture of generosity” means, and we hear from Lori and Hannah who share their stories of generosity with us. Thank you Lori and Hannah for sharing your time and stories with the Grace community!

Click the play button below, and leave us your comments and questions right here on the blog. We’d love to hear from you.


Suggested Bible Readings for July

July 5 (Pentecost 5)

First Reading: Romans 7:15-25a

Psalm: Psalm 145:8-14

Gospel: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

July 12 (Pentecost 6)

First Reading: Romans 8:1-11

Psalm: Psalm 65: [1-8] 9-13

Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23


July 19 (Pentecost 7)

First Reading: Romans 8:12-25

Psalm: Psalm 86:11-17

Gospel: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

July 26 (Pentecost 8)

First Reading: Romans 8:26-39

Psalm: Psalm 119:129-136

Gospel: Matthew 1331-33, 44-52

Farewell, Vicar Beth!

Grace Lutheran, they say all good things come to an end. And Vicar Elizabeth Gallen’s internship has very successfully come to an end. A special worship service on August 2, 2020 will commemorate her last Sunday at Grace (as an intern 😊).

Due to our Worship from Home status, during the month of July we have created several opportunities for all to wish her well as she continues her Pastoral journey:


A link will be provided for the following opportunities. You will be able to enter and leave at any time during the sessions:

  • Prayer shower  - Thursday 7/23 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Celebration  - Sunday 7/26 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm 

In-Person (Dependent on Status of Safety to gather):

There will be assigned 30 minute slots set aside for small groups to bid farewell.

  • Wednesday 7/15, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm & Saturday 7/11, 10:00 am (at risk only)

  • Saturday 7/11, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm (All)

  • Saturday 7/25, 10:00 am-12:00 pm (All)

(Other dates available as needed)

Note the following will be adhered to: Masks are required, no food or drinks, no touching, arrive/leave during your assigned interval.

If you have not received notice of your assigned time slot when reading this newsletter, or you need to change your scheduled time,  please contact Sheila Petry at srpetry@yahoo.com.

Phone calls, Cards and Letters are always welcomed. Please send cards/letters by Friday July 24th to Vicar Beth at Grace Lutheran Church:

Elizabeth Gallen

Grace Lutheran Church

1124 N 3rd St.

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Grace Offers Virtual Visits With Dr. Jeannine Hinds

Receive the quality of an in-office medical visit without leaving home

In an effort to lessen the strain on hospital emergency departments, especially for non-emergency needs, and connect members of our community with quality healthcare, free medical televisits are available each week, Tuesday-Thursday at 4:30 and 4:45 pm. 

A sanitized space for the appointment—with a computer—is available at Grace. Otherwise, if you have internet access, you will be able to log on to the medical portal from the comfort of your own phone or computer.

If you or someone you know would be able to benefit from these services, please email

Pastor Sarah (pastorsarah@graceinthecity.com) or call the church office (602-258-3787)

to schedule an appointment.

The GLOW SHOW: Episode Twelve

Thank you for listening to the GLOWSHOW. We are now in the midst of a series titled “Generosity Stories”. We hope that through these stories you will feel encouraged and inspired to look for the ways God is generous in our world, and practice generosity in your own life. In this particular episode, Pastor Sarah and Vicar Beth share their working definition of generosity, we hear from Grace’s Administrative Assistant, Adrienne and one of Grace’s members, Margie. Thank you Adrienne and Margie for sharing your stories of generosity with our community! Click the play button below, and leave us your comments and questions right here on the blog. We’d love to hear from you.
