President's Corner

The following is a summary of our council meeting in June:


1.      Heat Respite: Wanted to give everyone a brief update that it is going very well. We are serving 50 people a day and have capped it at that. When we reach this number, we close the gates. We are doing this because of the lack of volunteers helping on the floor. This is the most we can manage with the staff and volunteers we have. The program is being received very well by our homeless community and they feel it is a place they can now go for safety and rest. Mark is doing a great job and pastor and I meet with him every week to offer any help he needs.

2.      Security – We have contracted with a security company to patrol the church grounds three times a night 6 days a week. We have seen an improvement of people not camping on church grounds.

3.      Monument Sign – We are going to put this into next year’s mission plan.

4.      Summer Worship – I hope everyone is enjoying the one service this summer.

5.      New Pastor – Now that we have a call committee, they will be installed during our July 30th church service.

6.      Please remember we will be having our Ministry Together after the July 30th church service. We are putting a small lunch together for this gathering. Hope to see everyone.

7.      The council is looking at ways to bring more exposure for the church and one of them is to have a movie night in the courtyard during the fall. We are also looking at doing some type of meal for ASU students.

As some of you may have noticed we have a banner for the summer services on the fence. We would like to thank Loraine for getting this for us.

 If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your prayers and help. We could not have a church without everyone participating to the best of their gifts.