President's Corner

We had our Annual Meeting in January and covered the following items:

  1. We elected the following officers: President - Roger Ark, Vice President - Donna Martin, Treasurer - Dana Day, Secretary - Andrea Sigala

  2. Members of the church council: Roger & Loraine Ark, Dana Day, Marty Dusenberry, Sheila Petry, Andrea Sigala, Lori Cecil, Fran Fry, Donna Martin.

  3. We understand and are trying to address the technological needs of the church. Marty has agreed to take this on and is requesting input from all of us regarding what we need and what we are lacking in this area.

  4. The liaisons for the following groups are noted below. They will be the link between each group and the church council: Faith Formation - Andrea, Hospitality - Roger, Internship - Donna, Outreach - Sheila, Property - Loraine, Stewardship - Donna, Worship & Music - Fran & Lori

  5. We are working on the Transition Team for the new pastor and will update you as we progress.

  6. The internment of ashes on the church property will no longer be permissible. However, if a memorial plaque or other would like to be provided, this can be coordinated through the church office.

  7. Continues renovations for the church parsonage will begin shortly. Many options for a future tenant exist as noted in the meeting. Loraine is putting together the most feasible options and will present them to the council.

  8. Discussions with True North to build a garage and modify a lease continue under the guidance of Grace’s attorney. Things are moving in a positive direction here!

We have much to do this year as the church searches for a new pastor. We all need to pitch in to ensure the church continues to minister to our members and grow our community. Please pray for guidance on how to proceed with all matters of the church.
