Volunteer Opportunities

We continue to move through the pandemic, and in so doing, our patterns shift and change.  We are currently looking for volunteers to help with the following Grace ministries.  If you are open to helping in any of these ways, please be in touch with the appropriate person listed.


Ministry          Description                                                                 Person / Contact Info

Breakfast         Help serve breakfast on 9/4, 6:30-8:30 am        Evalyn Ehlen or Molly Caldwell

                        Other dates: 10/2, 11/6, 12/4                     

Altar Guild      Set up communion prior to traditional worship    Fran Fry


Landscaping    Mow and trim the church lawn 1-2 times/month  Ken Ehlen or Roger Ark


Counting         Count the offering 1-2 times/month                           Evalyn Ehlen