Here is an update from The Grace Property Team!
Standard maintenance was done on the following by our caretaker, Lester.
Contacted electrician to check air conditioning unit in the basement – Ongoing
Organizing the trimming of the palm trees – Getting bids to do this work – Ongoing
Fixing A/C units in kitchen – Getting bids
Attached is a list of some bigger projects that we are doing at Grace:
Replace roof on church – Insurance company said we should be getting the report the week of August 30. Will get an update soon!
Replace the front sanctuary window; there are a total of 6 windows, and we have contacted several companies and are still getting quotes.
3. Replace exterior "bell loft tower" door – Reaching out for quotes
4. Fix the condensate line on the west exterior because it is causing the masonry to crack. We are trying to get a plumber out to fix this.
We also want to share what other groups at Grace have done for our church!
Little Lantanas Montessori School – If you have not been down to the basement and seen the improvements, don’t worry! We have some pictures for you. They have completely redone the small kitchen area in the basement and have painted the other rooms.
Little Lantanas Montessori School has also worked in the prayer garden by installing wood slats at the fence and installing a fence around the interior at the roses.
Lastly, a big thanks to Kaleo who upgraded the outlets and fans in the nursery.