Beginning Sunday, April 11, Sundays will look different at Grace than they have for the past year.
6:15 am Pancake Breakfast Volunteers Arrive / Kitchen
7:30-8:15 am Pancake Breakfast / Courtyard
9:00-9:30 am In-Person Worship / Sanctuary
9:30-9:45 am Sunday Spirit / Zoom
10:00-11:00 am Grace Time / Zoom
10:00-10:30 am Walk-Up Holy Communion / Courtyard
11:00-11:45 am Live Stream Worship / Facebook Live
12:30-1:00 pm Community Building Coffee / Zoom
In-person, indoor worship will be significantly different than what we normally expect on a Sunday morning.
Worship will be 30 minutes long, and after, we will immediately adjourn to the courtyard for conversation, if desired, instead of talking inside the building.
We will not be singing during in-person, indoor worship due to singing’s riskiness in transmitting the virus.
We will wear masks at all times while inside buildings with the brief exception of the moment when we receive Holy Communion.
We will be distanced within the sanctuary and sit only in designated pews.
We will use the sanitizer at the door when arriving and honor physical distancing guidelines of six feet. That means no hugging, shaking hands, or touching of any kind.
As we make this transition, please remember that every person gets to choose their own boundaries and take their own calculated risks. We each have our own comfort level related to Covid-19. However, when we are here at church, the guidelines above are intended to care for the members of our community who feel comfortable coming to worship inside. We will honor these boundaries for the sake of one another. Even if we personally feel safe hugging someone, for instance, that does not mean the other person feels the same.