Scripture Guide for Sunday, May 31

Acts 2:1-21


Dwelling in the Word is a practice that may be used to help in communal discernment. It is an intentional practice that involves, reflection, deep listening to one another and to God, patience, and faith that God will be revealed and the Holy Spirit will guide us. The procedure for Dwelling in the Word is found below.

 Step One

Begin with prayer asking for God’s presence and guidance in the reading of scripture.

 Step Two

Read Acts 2:1-21 aloud, paying attention to the following questions:

1.     What part(s) of the passage captured your imagination?

2.     What questions do you have about the passage?

3.     What part of the passage is nudging at you?

Step Three

After some silence, read the passage aloud for a second time. If Dwelling in a group setting, encourage a different person to read the passage aloud paying attention to the questions listed in Step Two.

 Step Four

If Dwelling in a group, pair up with a partner and take turns sharing your responses to the Dwelling questions. If Dwelling individually, you may reflect upon the Dwelling questions in a journal entry.

 Step Five

After 4-5 minutes of sharing with your partner, you will report back your partner’s responses and thoughts to the larger group. This is the deep listening part—try not to express your own thoughts, but, rather, those of your partner.

Step Six

Reflect as a group: What might God be up to in this passage for us today?

Conclude with the following prayer:

Bountiful Spirit, we give you thanks for the day of Pentecost. The day your creative and empowering Spirit descended upon all those gathered in Jerusalem, forming the disciples into a new community. By your same breath, create in us newness of life that we might delight in your leading and walk in your ways to the glory of your name. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen.