Faith in Motion: How we are practicing our faith during Lent

During the first two weeks of Lent, we have put our faith in motion during worship by responding to questions about traditional practices of Lent, namely fasting and prayer, and challenging ourselves to consider what God genuinely desires from us through these practices.  Here are some of our responses.  Especially in response to how and when we pray, many people shared that they pray before eating, at night before bed, and throughout the day.  Because many responses were similar, just a smattering of particular responses are shared here.  Thank you for sharing and for inspiring our whole community through your reflection!

What is one small way I can embrace your humility?

Continue praying for others

Not judging other people

More reading and studying the Word with deeper reflection and conscious prayers

To understand and love others with more compassion

To follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit

Remember daily how many ways I have messed up my life and squandered my talents and failed to trust God

To stop making unkind remarks about people

Stop being mean to others

Forgive before the sun goes down

To be thankful for what I have

Asking what others want

To be more patient

Being honest

By finding a way each day to make someone else’s day brighter

Cheerfully greet everyone without judgment as a child of God

By noticing when others are having a hard time getting through daily life and offering a helping hand to help them through

Feed anyone who comes later to GLOW without reservation and without a snarky attitude

Give up exceeding the speed limit.  By being obedient in small things I can become more obedient to God.

Own up!

Not let people know how right I am; just listen.

Bite my tongue

I can cease to judge others and instead remember that I don’t know their story, and I fail every day.

Confessing my mistakes out loud

Admitting I am not always right.  Giving up the right to be annoyed, frustrated, complaining becoming angry over trivial things.

Before I get frustrated with others’ incompetence, ask myself if I am the problem.

How and when do I pray?

Usually when I’m laying down in bed before I fall asleep, while looking up at the stars in the sky at night since I sleep outside

Morning and throughout the day

The Lord’s Prayer, before and after sleep, evening prayer, before eating

How: a conversational tone with God, dinner prayer scripted through family tradition; When: in times when I feel I need support, strength, clarity, reflection, holidays, before difficult or overwhelming tasks

Dinner time as a family, alone silently, with my spouse at night

When the Spirit moves me at night before bed, just saying whatever is on my mind or in my heart, closing with the Lord’s Prayer

I pray all the time.  It’s very casual.  I talk to God like a friend.  Throughout the day, I am constantly just praying/speaking to God in my head.  I also pray more formally at mealtimes and before bed.

At times of difficulty and in times of blessing.  I pray God’s will be done often as I do not know what is best but only my desires (selfish as they are).  I pray for family and friends.

I pray first thing in the morning in a secret place after reading the Bible.  Next, I go outside and look at the creation he has given me, then I pray for many things, people, family, world, giving him thanks for all he has done for us.

I pray with my daughter and with my spouse, before meals and before bedtime.  I would, however, like to begin my day in thanksgiving.  Often, I wake and immediately begin the tasks of the day.  I think starting my day in prayer would change how I see and move throughout the rest of the day.

I pray every day for the Lord to help me and watch over my family and that his will be done.

Whenever I feel the need for God’s guidance and help (10-20 times a day?).  Thanks before eating.

As soon as I wake up in the morning, thanking God for another day, asking to guide my thoughts, words, and deeds this day.  Before eating, thanking for the food.  During the day, for various people who need help.  Before bed, thanking God for the day, asking for forgiveness for how I failed this day.

How: silently and out loud; When: morning and night, whenever I randomly think of something needful, emergency prayers for urgent need or when fear strikes!

I usually end up praying in moments of dire need, so it comes out as almost a sort of begging.  If I remember to pray in good times, it is usually extremely informal, since I grew up being taught that “prayer is a conversation and not a ceremony”

Thank you, Jesus!  I talk to him all the time.

I pray with the 12 step prayer book, different prayers for different struggles, once a day or more as needed

For others daily, at church weekly, wonder at God’s goodness continuously

To be more understanding of others


When I see a person who looks like they’re in need of love, when I hear a siren, when I remember to thank God, when I’m struggling, I pray both silently and aloud

It seems lately I’ve only prayed when I was in need of something.  This Lenten season, I’m realizing my prayers should express my gratitude for God’s love, grace, and mercy.

I pray aloud when I am driving, before meals and bedtime.  Mostly, I find myself asking for God’s help and guidance that God would order my day and that I would be aware of God in my day.  I always end with praise and thanksgiving.

I pray in the morning and evening most days and often in between.  Meditating, thanking, and asking for help for myself and especially for others.  I want to always be looking beyond my own sphere of concerns to those beyond.

I pray “popcorn” prayers whenever a person or situation pops into my mind.  I also pray before I go to sleep, at night about the events of the day, and my concerns for tomorrow.

I pray often, early, all through the day, maintaining a conversation of speaking my concerns and receiving guidance.  I also simply sit in silence after asking: What’s on your heart?