An Invitation to a Lenten Discipline

Christians often either give up something during Lent that gets in the way of their faith (for example, gossiping, alcohol, or complaining) or add something during Lent that enriches their faith (for example, mid-week Lenten worship, Daily Lenten Prayer, or daily Bible reading). 

This year, ELCA youth are challenging the larger church to give up the use of single-use plastics because of the destructive nature of both the production and disposal of single-use plastics to Earth.  If you would like to accept their challenge, you may choose one particular single-use plastic you utilize regularly and identify a sustainable alternative that truly works for you—so that you can continue using it even after Easter.  Examples include substituting bamboo or regular silverware for the plastic silverware you get at fast food restaurants, substituting a hard plastic water bottle for single-use plastic bottles, or substituting clothe grocery bags for plastic grocery bags. 

Of course, you need not accept this challenge of reducing a single-use plastic in your life.  Instead, you may choose any discipline that enriches your life, especially your spiritual life, during the season of Lent!