Please help encourage this year’s Soul Journeyers as they travel to Holden Village in Washington State. The Soul Journeyers will receive notes from their families and YOU throughout their trip. Please write a note to at least one of the following people letting them know what you appreciate about them and/or how you see God at work in their lives. Completed notes can be given to Pastor Sarah no later than the afternoon of Sunday, June 16.
Alison Sigala
Daniel Ramirez
Alec Khatter
Jayden Lay
Evalyn Ehlen
Ken Ehlen
Pastor Sarah
Christy Jimenez (from Vida Nueva)
Anthony Padilla (friend of the Khatter’s)
Fran Fry
Hannah Khatter
Andrea Sigala
Erica Khatter
Kenda Khatter
Joey Lay
Owen Lay