Thank you to all of the donors of water, time, money, and love. We could not do this without you. Here are the numbers from Week 10:
Volunteers contributed hours 186 this week.
We received an extremely generous donation from Avella Specialty Pharmacy this week. 8 pallets of water! The amount of water we have received from all out donors has been truly amazing, and we are very grateful for your generosity. This allows us to share not only within our programs, but also to help a variety of other outreach programs around the valley with similar goals of helping folks escape this summer heat.
As when Paul wrote to those in Ephesus, “We do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in our prayers,” with deep and sincere gratitude we thank all who have given time, donations, and prayers and feel blessed to be able to share this space, and this love, over the past 10 week and the next 2 weeks.