News from the ELCA Church-wide Assembly

The work of the Churchwide Assembly is grounded in prayer and centered in worship. The theme of the assembly is "Freed & Renewed in Christ" and each day of the assembly we worship together as this expression of the church.  Leaders have been invited from various parts of the country to lead in turn.  Worshipping at a gathering of the larger church, at synod assembly or other gathering, is always enriched by our diversity.  Each day of this assembly, and our worship together, has been a blessing of renewal for me personally as a pastor.  Ours is a diverse church with a huge variety of settings, and many traditions from these settings. The diverse expressions of our worship inform and inspire our gathering this week.  Thank you for your prayers, your support and your spirit.  You can learn more and see our agenda at and you can live stream the plenary sessions and worship. 

Update from Pr. Jeff Kallevig, Our Saviour’s, Tucson