Thank you to all of the donors of water, time, money, and love. We could not do this without you. Here are the numbers from Week 5:
Your donations not only allow us to provide shelter, food, and water. We are also able to connect participants with other services available to them. Throughout the summer we have visits from Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), Circle the City's Mobile Medical Clinic, Yoga by Tami Link, and substance abuse education from Sonoran Prevention Works.
- HCH provides health care services for homeless individuals and families throughout Maricopa County through integrated primary care, mental health services, substance abuse services, case management, and nutrition services.
- Circle the City's mission is, to create and deliver innovative healthcare solutions that compassionately address the needs of men, women, and children facing homelessness.
- Tami Link is a Certified Yoga and Pilates Instructor, Certified Massage Therapist who "want(s) to be more than just a movement educator. My hope is to inspire a way of living, moving and being that allows the pursuit of what is truly valuable in life. In making choices about our health, I believe in moving from a place of meaning and grasping our unique physical dignity."
- Sonoran Prevention Works is a grassroots group of Arizonans working to end overdose and other vulnerabilities associated with drug use. We provide direct service to people who use drugs and their families by facilitating free trainings and by distributing risk reduction materials and condoms to prevent the transmission of blood-borne pathogens. We advocate for widespread Naloxone accessibility, a 911 Good Samaritan bill, and syringe decriminalization in Arizona. We do this all in solidarity with the individual's autonomy and right to self-actualization.
Thank you again for helping us create this space of possibility.